OK then, my daughter just called me and said, "Mom you already had that picture on Need a Funny Caption"! I did??? Well, let's chock that up to old brain. For all of you that didn't see it back a ways, give me your captions. I'll leave it up for a couple of days and give you a new picture, oh say, Thursday. Sorry about that. .......I haven't done that any other time have I???
What's your caption for this week?
Last week:
"Please make sure the water isn't cold this time."
LOL Good one Mama Pea!
Check out her blog over at:
A Home Grown Journal
I also enjoyed:
"Am I in puppy timeout???"
"See Ma, I picked up my toys!" |
This is a picture of Future Leader Dog
Trixy who is now Leader Dog Trixy.
(She's a working dog now.)
an apple a day keeps the doctor away... wonder if it works for vets?
Yep, I remember this one! ;-)
I know you done chose a comment, but mine would have been 'over the lips and through the gums, watch out tummy cause here it comes...'
Haha...and I would have picked that one Rose!!!
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