Neither one of my hives is doing all that great. They sure started out all gun-ho. Lots of bees going in and out. I thought *finally* I'll get some honey. Then slowly there were less and less bees. I left my sugar water out until we had at least 3 -- 70 degree days with lots of dandelions blooming, just like I was told to do. Within 2 weeks of stopping it, I started up again -- just because I had no idea what was going on. My thought was.... must call local bee expert Mike.
Before I could call him, he called here -- checking to see how
my bees were doing. His 47 hives have done the
very same thing! They started out all good, and then a real slow down. He said by now we should be putting on a second super on the regular hive, and we're not even close. His advise was to keep the sugar water out yet. (yeah, I did something right. :-)
There are live bees and we will get some honey, just not the yields that are normal. The interesting thing Mike said, was that the bees that overwintered here are going hog wild! There are so many of them that they are swarming and their honey yields are way up!
To me that rules out pesticides. (At least in this case.) The bees that over-wintered (not mine) and the bees we got new this year from California, are all collecting the same pollen. The bees that over-wintered did get that warm March weather to get going before April was so cold. We truly are thinking it is weather related. The bees we bought had to go through a colder spell before they were really established. (....and was the queen bred before being shipped?)
I wrote all the above before I checked the bees late Friday afternoon. (2 weeks since the last inspection)
After the hive inspection Friday.....down to one hive. The traditional hive had a 1/2 cup size ball of bees all huddled in the corner, with no brood ready to hatch that I could see. I'm too much of a rookie to know if the queen was in the group -- but I do know there were not enough bees to sustain the hive.
I expected to find the same in the top bar hive because there were still very few bees going in and out.
This was the first bar with comb on it.
They had this built very early...I thought great, no bees.
But...look close, there is brood hatching.
(A really bad picture, but there were no do-overs) |
Imagine my surprise when this is what I found between
the second and third bar. Live healthy bees! Yeah! |
There were this many and more bees on the third bar. ....and on
the back side of the comb more brood ready to hatch.
This is not a lot of bees for this time of year.
But.....I still have a hive trying to survive! :-)
(Check out my bare hand so close to the bees.....I
do believe I have lost my fear of the bees.
This is a good thing if you are a bee keeper :-) |