We made this Blueberry Spice Jam at our Master Food Preserver class. I've made blueberry freezer jam before and didn't care for it, but this Blueberry Spice Jam is right up there with strawberry for me! The recipe is in the "Making Jams, Jellies, & Fruit Preserves" booklet put out by the Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension. You can buy it
here. Or call them at 1-877-947-7827.
Crush 5 cups of blueberries one layer at a time. |
Add 1 TBL. of lemon juice, 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon, 3/4 cup of water
1 box of powdered pectin, and 1/4 tsp. butter. (to reduce foaming)
Now cook it on high heat while you are stirring, to a rolling boil. |
Make sure your jars are sterilized and staying hot.
....and your lids are warm (not boiling) in a shallow pan. |
...and have 5 1/2 cups of sugar measured and ready to go. |
As soon as it gets to a rolling boil, add your sugar all at once.
Now bring it back up to a rolling boil. (keep stirring)
When it is really going -- time it for 1 minute.
Then take off heat. |
This is a rolling boil. |
After you take it off the burner, skim the foam off, or, use this cool tip I learned. Lay a piece of waxed paper all over the top and when you lift it, all the foam comes with it. Cool! Fast and less waste. Now fill your jars to 1/4 in. from the top. Wipe the rims, put on the caps, and the rings. Tighten the rings just to "fingertip" tight. The two piece cap needs to "breathe" a little -- that's what gets rid of oxygen. Use a towel in your hand -- the jars are
really hot!
Put the jars in a water bath canner. Make sure there is 1 to 2 inches of water above the jars. When it comes to a rolling boil, time it for 5 minutes. When time is up, turn off the burner, and lift the lid so the steam goes away from your face. Let the jars sit for 5 minutes. Then using a jar lifter take them out and let them sit on the counter.
Use a jar lifter. Anything else is just dangerous. |
Jar lifters have many uses. They can also
be monster truck lifters. :-) |
Now sit back and listen to the jars "ping" as they can. We always count :-) This is great jam. Enjoy!
The jar with the scrap of paper on it will be my fair entry. ...a perfect 1/4
inch headspace. All the decorative jars will be Christmas gifts! |
.....dr momi