
Freezer Diving

Tomatoes from last years garden,
just washed, quartered,  and frozen as is.
Tomato soup here we come!!
      I just dug through my bigger freezer, which is really a medium size one.  I'm trying to clean some things out, because I heard I have some grass-fed beef coming my way!  I don't have room for much, but I'm making as much room as I can.  I could do without the wild turkey tail in there, which he (as in my husband) says is destined to be a turkey decoy  - guess I'll let him have the space.  :-)    We have 2 freezers.  This medium size one and a small one.  When we get toward spring as the freezers are clearing out, everything in the little one will get transferred to the other, then we unplug it for the summer.  In general, the vegetable are in the small one and meat in the larger one.
     This is what I came upstairs with.  Two gallon size freezer bags full of the last tomatoes of the garden -- I was so sick of processing tomatoes last Aug.......I do believe fresh (frozen) tomato soup is in order.   A large  plastic container full of brown rice --- from a year and a half ago.  This will get cooked up for the chickens over a few days.  A quart of homemade chicken broth with no date on it ---uggh!  I think it is still good.  I brought it up to the refrigerator freezer to use up next.  A bag of wild grapes and rose hips from a year and a half ago, put in there for winter feeding of chickens.  The chickens are getting it for breakfast tomorrow.  And lastly, a small freezer container full of kale from the 2009 garden  --- and into the chicken food it goes.  You can tell I was lax this fall in  getting things all cleaned up.
     There is still quite a few chickens, some venison hamburger and loins in there, but I made a nice hole for the beef :-) Tomorrow my tomato soup recipe.

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